Liposuction Aesthetics
Since liposuction is a surgical application, the surgeon’s opinion is the first priority, as in every application. Before deciding to perform liposuction, the patient’s detailed medical history should be examined. Especially cardiovascular and pulmonary history should be investigated in detail. Apart from these, the current medications and allergies of the patient should be checked, and the decision to continue the procedure should be taken according to the results. Of course, physical examination is also very important and critical at this point. For liposuction to be applied to the abdominal region of the patient, hernia control should be performed and the amount of fat in the abdomen should be well calculated. Again, if an oil is to be taken from the breast area in men, it is checked whether this oil has internal and external characteristics. In the same way, it is expected that the skin will have enough flexibility, these controls are important to prevent shrinkage in that area after the fat is removed.

During the developmental phase of the person, the increase in fat cells in the body provides an increase with the right rate. After the completion of the developmental phase, the number of developing fat cells remains constant, while an increase in volume is observed. This results in weight gain on the body index. Liposuction is a method of absorbing excess fat deposits under the skin through special cannulas using vacuum or specially prepared injectors. With this method, excess fat can be removed comfortably and safely. Nowadays, in fat removal operations, the classical liposuction method has been replaced by more comfortable techniques that require minimal surgery for the patient. Now, laser liposuction, on the other hand, is very different from vacuum, and because it is done using advanced technology, it makes a point shot.
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